NCTI has recently launched updated adult curriculum to adapt to changing needs and better application of evidence-based principles. This title was not included in the update and will be discontinued. For your convenience, this title will remain available for purchase until 8/1/2023. Learn more here!
The Adult Substance Abuse Intervention curriculum addresses the needs of the low-risk client who has become involved with the criminal justice system for a substance abuse offense. The client may not have an addiction issue that meets the requirements of traditional treatment but instead has a behavior issue that can better be addressed using a shorter cognitive educational model. This curriculum allows clients to explore their anti-social attitudes, how their use of substance abuse affects their personal and professional relationships, and includes training and practice in self-control and self-management. This curriculum is included in Cog Talk™, a free reference guide that divides each curriculum into two-hour sessions, provides specific homework assignments and additional open-ended questions to continue curriculum-specific conversation outside of the group setting.
You must be Crossroads Certified to purchase this item.
Large agencies may save money by purchasing a curriculum license. Contact us for more information.